
Hi there! My name is Valeriu Caraulean and this is my personal site and blog.

I’ve been in software development for more than 10 years and I still loving it. Having a passion for technology and programming, I’m very lucky to be able to do it for a living.

My main expertise is mostly around C# and “everything .NET”. But lately I found myself learning things that are outside of my comfort area - functional programming with F# and Haskell, Ruby & Web development.

When I’m not writing code I spend my time with my wife and two beautiful girls. And when they let me go, I often find myself lost in the mountains riding my bike.

When I’ve started this blog the goal was to practice writing in English. Then it grew into something bigger, more interesting and, definitely, challenging. Now it’s a place where I write about some of my thoughts on technology and software development, share my experience or just rambling about things…

My online presence:

If you want to contact me, write me an email.

Disclaimer: The content on this site are my own personal opinions and thoughts and does not reflect those of my employer in any way.